Into the Wild
(this was that man)
So basically I've found a book which will serve as a second Bible to me. It's nowhere near as important to me, but almost. It's called Into the Wild and it's the story of a man who most of us have never heard of but most of us secretly wish we could be. This man was Chris McCandless. He was a good kid, graduated college on the dean's list, had friends, and a healthy family. If you were to brush pass him on the street, nothing would have struck you as different or strange about him. The kind of kid we would stereotype as an upper middle class college kid. But Chris McCandless wasn't that kid. We would have been wrong. When Chris graduated college he took to the road in his 1986 Datsun and headed west. He gave $25,000 in savings to a local charity, left his belongings back in his homestate of Virgina, neglected to tell his parents he was leaving, and left with little cash in his wallet. He wasn't headed west to find death, he was headed west to find life. Eventually on his pilgramige he ditched his car, burned the remaining money he had, and became a drifter, a hitchhiker. He traveled the entire American West by bumming rides, and walking to the own beat of his unrythmed drum. His story is unbelievable. He wasn't bananas, his screws weren't loose. He was totally sanse, well educated, and relentless. He knew what he was doing. In 1992 he had the glorified idea to head to the Alaskan bush, where is wild and nomadic life finally ended. I'm highly recommending this book for anyone who wants to read a book about a man who didn't just talk something, but walked something. A story about a man who actually put his money where his mouth was. A man who finally soothed the cry of his wild heart by taking it back where it untamed territory. This book is for people who have been invited not just to take up a hobby, but to take up a lifestyle. People who are truly wild at heart and are willing to listen and obey their heart's barbaric yawp. I dare you to read this book. I promise you won't be bored.
(for those of you enjoy my pointless and senseless rantings on hollywood, music, sports, and politics; dont worry... they will be back, I just needed to plug this book. So buy it, read it, and i'll go back to posting funny crap on here. Until then hopefully this will give your diaprahm a workout or make it want to die...)
I think my eyes are starting to bleed... a later blog to come on this